Saturday, March 31, 2012


This class has been extremely helpful and informative thus far. I have really enjoyed completing the tasks set before me. Some of the videos that have been attached to our assignments I have even shown to other teachers because I enjoy them so much. I have done quite a bit of things that I had never even attempted before. Like blogging, Tweeting, creating video blogs via Youtube, digging & editing Wikipedia.
I have really been able to become more in tune with social networking and really understand what Web 2.0 is. This class has also allowed me to broaden my definition of what social networking is. It is amazing how connected the entire world actually is. Before this class, I had only used the Internet to find out information or get onto facebook. Now I understand more about what it has to offer and how I can be better connected to others. I guess I understood blogs and forums but did not really understand them until I actually used them myself. I had a lot of preconceived thoughts about bloging, tweeting, and Wikipedia. It is nice to not have them anymore because I know what they are all about.
            I am the type of person that sometimes needs to be pushed to try new things. I consider myself open-minded but not someone who will try new things on my own will. Therefore, I am glad that I am apart of a class that really pushes me to expand my horizons. Some sites/tools that I have found useful are: Schoology, Blogger, Twitter, Pintrest, Box, Glogster, Edmodo & Wikipedia.
            Other than getting use to blogging and tweeting, I have also been challenged with completing video blogs. This was probably one of the hardest things to get use to doing. The more I do it the better it gets. I never really understood how hard it was to talk to a camera. You would assume that it wouldn’t be that difficult because no one is watching you while you do it but, its not. The first couple times I videoed myself I did not want to watch them back. Nevertheless, I did and it was just as bad as I had imagined it would be! However, the more I do it the more I am getting ok with it. I have enjoyed thinking of things to show about my life. I am not crazy about getting in front of the camera but I will do it. One thing that I really enjoyed and wished I could have seen before I did mine was the last Michael Wesch video. I really like the part about his class completing video blogs. It made me feel connected because mine was the same way!
            I have really enjoyed the tasks that I have completed. I am excited to be nearing the end but know that I will have a different outlook on the Internet as a whole. I will also have a different outlook on Web 2.0 and its use’s and share that with others that I meet.


Digg, the social bookmarking site is interesting. I understand and like the idea of it. I also think the slogan "digg it" is very creative. However, I think that the site is very overwhelming. I know they have different categories but the main pages stories are so very random. I also think that part of that feeling comes from the design. It appears to be set up a little like facebook but I wish they would have come up with there own design. I think that as a whole the design of the pages comes off as over crowded and makes one feel overwhelmed looking for a story.  I don't think I would use this very often but I am glad I have had the opportunity to check it out!

My account:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Understand Wikipedia & Wikimedia

Working in the school system I hear a lot of things about Wikipedia. Almost every kid that comes into my room speaks about how their English teacher says they are not allowed to site it. When I ask why they say because anyone can edit it. If those people would actually edit it then they would know how it works. I use Wikipedia very often. And though I understand the teachers point in that students should source scholarly articles or even books. I appreciate what Wikipedia does and is trying to do. I enjoyed editing certain things. Although it was pretty challenging finding something to edit but overall it was an enjoyable experience.

jsweeney1808 Wikipedia Entry

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Spring Break is the time of year that I look forward too! I am excited not only for the upcoming spring break but for Easter. I really enjoy being with my family and Easter Sunday. I can remember as a kid getting a new Easter dress and shoes every year...i really looked forward to that. I also loved dying eggs as a kid. My mom never hide the fake ones. We ALWAYS dyed eggs and hid them. There was only one year I that I can remember we couldn't find them all. Needless to say, we ended up finding it a couple of months later :/ Even though I am older and no longer do those things religiously I look forward to being able to carry on my traditions with my own kids.

Week 5 Video

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I thought that this site was interesting. I am not sure on how I feel about a class being held through it though. I personally think it could be manageable with the right teacher. I think that no matter how uneasy I feel about it, it may just be the future of schools or universities. It really does play upon the idea of participant observation. Editing and figuring out how things go would be perfect for someone majoring in web 2.0.

Michael Wesch Video 2

   WOW...first of all what an awesome class to be able to take as an undergrad. I think that Michael Wesch is great. His video's are so informative and really make you stop and think about your place in the world. There were so many things that I got and am thinking about after watching this video. I really like the idea of participant observation and believe that this class does just that. Instead of studying about what blogging, twitter, or vlogging is we do it! I believe that it is an excellent way to learn and really immerse oneself.
    I also agreed with many of the things he said about blogging. I could completely connect with all of those first time bloggers. I felt some of the exact same things. It continues to blow my mind that a little web cam or camera can really make you feel nervous or "like you don't know what to say". It makes perfect sense that some people show a completely different side to themselves. It is crazy to me that some of the most shy people are willing to video themselves and actually click upload for thousands possibly millions of people to see.
    I truly believe that the creators of youtube are genus's. And I think my favorite part of the entire talk was the section on the phenomenon of Youtube. I see all the time the remakes of videos and it literally is a phenomenon. It becomes so catchy to do your own version. And it is not just 1 person but 1,000 people remaking it. It is truly unbelievable.  I think that youtube is one of the greatest examples of web 2.0. Partly because you can see and hear actual people but also partly because it connects the world. Regardless of what language you speak, or what culture one comes from everyone can connect to youtube. It is absolutely amazing. This has been my favorite video from this class so far!! 


I forgot to let everyone know that I have set up my can follow me @jsweeney1808. I have enjoyed tweeting. I normally don't like writing status's especially on facebook but this has been interesting. I really enjoy following other people!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tough Job

Next to teaching coaching has been one of the toughest jobs I have ever done. I enjoy it so much but it is hard to sit and watch sometimes. I laugh because some of the things that I tell my players are the same things that I tell them. It is almost like a light bulb has clicked because I actually get it all. Of course, it is a little to late because I don't play anymore. I never imagined what it would be like to coach and I don't think I would have been right. I am a coach but I feel for my players. I am frustrated when they are, I celebrate when they do, and  love the game as much as they do. I have really enjoyed it and can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for me!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Web 2.0 People

Here is my list of Web 2.0 people...

Video 3

Standing Broom

So, last week all over facebook there was a broom standing phenomenon! I think everyone of my friends posted something about it and of course I had to try it for myself. Most people who posted the broom said that it had something to do with the planets being aligned which turns out to not be true. I have to admit it does seem "magical" when you try it but balance is the only thing to blame. The article link explains a little more!

How to Stand a Broom

Monday, March 5, 2012


Wordle 1:

Wordle 2:

I enjoyed using this site. I have used it once before not for an assignment. I felt like the site was kind of hard to use. I could not figure out how to edit my wordle's and when I copied and pasted the code to get them to show up in my blog it did not work! So, that was a little frustrating.

Week 2 Video

As I was recording I was trying to remember the advice I was given. I don't know why a video camera makes me so nervous because I am the one recording. It is interesting how intimidating one little camera can be. I am slowly getting use to hearing and seeing myself. It is going to take some time!