Friday, February 3, 2012

Web 2.0 Course Objectives

Some objectives I have for this course are....

1. Understand all the inter workings of what Web 2.0 is about. I would like to learn how to really use the web to interact through and not just as an information source.

2. Effectively use technology to reach my 21st century learners. Technology is such a huge part of children's lives and I want to be able to use it to effectively reach them in the classroom. I hope that this web 2.0 class can give me some great ideas to use in my classroom. 

3. Get more experience with using social media sites regularly. I am very comfortable with sites like Facebook and Youtube. Through this course, I hope to become more experienced in using other forms of social media like blogging. I also hope to learn more about what other sites are out there besides the mainstream ones.

4. Experience and understand the positives and negatives to using web 2.0 and social media sites to communicate. I have an idea of some of these already. However, I feel that physically using these things will show something's that I might not have known otherwise.    

1 comment:

  1. This seem nicely achievable... be sure to have some specifics to go with the generalities, and keep us on track thru the course to make sure it happens.
