I really enjoyed the first video about student learning! The whole idea
about questioning student’s misconceptions makes a lot of sense. I often times
find this true in history. My students do not learn theories or formulas but
events and stories. I would 100% agree with the fact that students tend to zone
out if they feel like they know the material already and actually miss learning
the truth.
I really enjoyed seeing the "interviews" on the questions that we
had to answer. When asked the questions on the first day of class I honestly
could not recall the information. I felt like it was familiar but I could not
really pin point the exact answer. I see that I was in fact wrong with my
guesses. I can definitely relate to the people in the video, which means I am
not the only one. Not only am I not the only one in the US but apparently in
Australia too! I think that questioning the misconceptions is a great place to
start. I just do not know how this would be achieved successfully. I guess a starting
place is to know what misconceptions they have and go from there I will most definitely keep this in mind as I am creating lesson plans!
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