Tuesday, April 10, 2012

No License

I think that if I came up with or had a great song, video or photo it would depend on how much I valued it as to how far I would go. I would like to think that a photo or video I created I would be open to share. I wouldn't want money for anyone who used it but I would like the credit. So, I would share and others could as well as long as my name was credited in some fashion. As I think about this I think of all the things I have put on the internet for "free". All the youtube videos I have made, and anything that is on facebook can be easily taken but that doesn't bother me. However, if it was my career then maybe I would think of this differently. I also would have had that notion before I put them up for the whole world to see. Besides the fact that it is illegal it bothers me that others take credit for things that are not their own. At the very least I think we should give credit where credit it due. It is a respectable thing to do and shouldn't be taken so lightly.

On my journey to find my no licensed thing I came upon this website: The Best Copyright Free Photo Library. This site has some AMAZING pictures all being taken by a US government employee. I also didn't know that these photos are free of a copyright. I am not sure why the government has allowed so many photos to be shared by anyone. They give credit to each individual photographer even though it was apart of their job and I guess they believe it is enough. It is a great resource especially to be used in a history class. There are so many different categories/departments to look through.

This picture is of a volcano erupting in Hawaii and was taken in 1969. 

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